Foto von Asana Inversion
Foto von Asana Inversion


In this 2 days weekend training you bring awareness to your yoga teaching supporting your personal insights of yoga asana and your professional development as a yoga teacher. This weekend training is for Yoga teacher who like to go deeper in yoga themself and assist their students with moving into a deeper embodiment of their yoga practice.

With respect, love and sensitivity energetic alignment-based yoga assists and hands-on can create awareness, self-knowledge and an uplifting feeling. However, there is a danger and a true potential that assists and hands-op can lead to injuries instead of uplifting the quality and integrity of somebody within the yoga posture.

You learn about therapeutic alignments and how to read an individual body within an asana. You learn about verbal and visual cues and finally how to apply an adjustment skillfully using a guiding touch to support a person to embody the yoga pose on their own.

Foto von Asana Inversion


  • Creating safe space and receiving feed back in safe space
  • Reading a body and observation of joints and limbs
  • Alignments of the bigger and smaller joints and alignments in different Asana families like standing poses, hip opener, twisting poses, backbends, forward bends 
  • Effective ways to help students to find stability and integration with in a pose along with breath awareness
  • Verbal and visual cues 
  • Relevance of an refinement/adjustment
  • Didactical steps before and along an hands-on and adjustment
  • Using props like blocks, belts and blankets in a therapeutic way 
  • Assisting the energetically flow within a Namaskara 
  • Sensitivity of hands and different kind of touch 
  • How to let your student be an active participants in the process of cueing and hands-on
  • Giving hands-on and adjustments with confidence firm, light and floaty hands
Foto von Asana Inversion


DATES: Saturday & Sunday, new dates follow

TIME: 9:30-17:30 (lunch break of 70 min.) 12 contact hours and 2 non-contact hours INCLUDING: Certification, learning manual and tea

LOCATION: Yogahouse Arnhem, Puttstraat 11, 6822 BE Arnhem 

(free parking space around, station Velper Poort Arnhem 3 min walk)

Price (Vat 9% included):
Early Bird: 269€  | After 1st of June: 299€

Yoginis at work, Yoga, Yogins