Mindfulness op zaal
Mindfulness op zaal – a cooperation with Museum Arnhem
11 Sep – 20 Nov 2022
Mindfulness on the move
Dates: 11, 18, 25 Sept, 2, 9, 16, 30 Oct, 6, 13, 20 Nov
Mindfulness is a way of being. It is difficult in our busy society where we are constantly ‚on‘ to actually be in the moment. Without an agenda, to go somewhere else, just to pay attention to where you are.
With yoga teacher Doris Lilienweiss you will experience the museum in full peace. Surrounded by art and with a beautiful view on nature. In Museum Arnhem you will have a moment to really pay attention to where you are. All alone, before opening time. After the session, enthusiasts can ‚wake up‘ in the museum café. The menu offers a fine selection, also for the morning craving. And of course you can wander mindfully through the museum galleries….
Registration is only possible for the entire series of 10 sessions.
Cost €100, after registration you will receive an invoice.
Maximum 20 participants. Booking at Museum Arnhem
Ecstatic Dance Arnhem
in safe space Come as you are …Ecstatic Dance is conscious dance without shoes, talk, drugs and judgment.
Ecstatic Dance Arnhem is a form of conscious dancing. Over the last years Ecstatic Dance has become more and more popular and is known as a meditative activity that helps us cope with stress. How beautiful that dance can help us to rejuvenate and to heal! Ecstatic Dance Arnhem offers unlimited water with fresh fruit, organic teas and delicious healthy snacks after the dance workshop. Our dance evenings take place on Fridays, once a month,
We provide a nice movement meditation to the Ecstatic Dance journey during the opening ceremony. Usually we will close in silence and peace so you can have a nice rest with tea and some sweets after your dance journey. Usually our Ecstatic Dance evening look like this:
19.30 – 20.00 Opening & movement ceremony
20.00 – 22.00 Ecstatic Dance Journey with our DJ
22.00 End Meditation & Closure
Dates: 11, 18, 25 Sept, 2, 9, 16, 30 Oct, 6, 13, 20 Nov
You can follow Ecstatic Dance Arnhem on Facebook where we publish all our events. I am looking much forward to welcome you as you are.